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Announcing a WorkWell Special Event
On Thursday March 13, 2025 - The WorkWell Partnership invites you to “Moving Forward - A Conversation About Life After Incarceration” among a group of WorkWell graduates. This will be held at Light of the [...]
Employee profile: Paulash Banerjee, Career Navigator
Paulash Banerjee WorkWell’s New Career Navigator WorkWell reached a critical milestone when Paulash Banerjee recently joined the staff. At last, the organization has a full-time person dedicated to building relationships with employers who [...]
Employee profile: Damon Jackson, Program Operations Assistant
Damon Jackson WorkWell's versatile, indispensable presence Damon Jackson is the personal face of WorkWell. He performs a wide variety of tasks, some high profile, others invisible, all indispensable to the mission of reentry [...]
Prison library provides antidote to “Hustler Mindset”
WorkWell graduates, staff and volunteers - September 2024 Larry Jackson's story When Larry Jackson (not his real name) was incarcerated for the second time, he was in his 30s. This sentence felt even [...]
WorkWell graduate thanks God for redirecting him
WorkWell's grads from September 2024 Murry Roberts: A Changed Man When Murry Roberts (not his real name) was in prison in Trenton, his sister and her daughter came to visit. His niece, who [...]
Panel discussion sheds light on the challenges of reentry
Formidable barriers stand in the way of ex-offenders trying to establish stable lives. WorkWell recently hosted a panel discussion to address this topic. Held at the Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville last February, the panel consisted [...]
WorkWell graduates its 23rd training cohort
On August 2, six graduates from the 23rd group of participants in WorkWell's four-week training program received their certificates of completion and recognition, and received congratulations from family members, friends, WorkWell staff and volunteers, and [...]
WorkWell Celebrates Two Major Milestones
One year as an independent non-profit. Over 200 returning citizens served. The WorkWell Partnership, a New Jersey Non-Profit Corporation, celebrated its first anniversary in December 2023. It operates WorkWell, a training program in Trenton, NJ, [...]
An Invitation to a WorkWell Special Event …
Moving Forward - A Conversation About Life After Incarceration Thursday, February 22, 2024, 7-9 PM Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville 2688 Main St, Lawrenceville, NJ Click on the flyer image for more details.